SHHS Weekly Newsletter 14

Submitted by curtis.burton on

Skyhawk Parents, Students, and Community,

“I wanted to figure out why I was so busy, but I couldn't find the time to do it.”  -- Todd Stocker

We certainly are in the busy season here at SHHS with our bands, choirs, clubs, orchestras, and teams practicing, performing, and playing every night it seems. So, though I know we're all incredibly busy this time of year, take the time to come and enjoy the many talents that our students have worked so hard to share. I know our students appreciate your support, and it is a real pleasure to watch them perform and compete.

Curtis Burton

SHHS Weekly Newsletter 12

Submitted by curtis.burton on

Author and theologian H. A. Ironside said, “We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” When I read this quote, I was reminded of how we've been striving this year to be "Positive in the Present" here at SHHS, and I thought about the supportive praise we  see being heaped upon one another hear at our school between students, faculty, and staff. And as this is a season of thankfulness, we would be remiss if we did not thank you for all that you do in our community to make our school great.

Curtis Burton