SHHS Weekly Newsletter 3

Submitted by curtis.burton on

Last week Senator Orrin Hatch, at the invitation of our football team's booster club and Coach Jeff Higginson, visited our community and spoke to our communities' veterans. In his remarks he complimented the veterans saying, " You are the basis of our country; you’re the reason why our country is the greatest in the world.” Though the senator's remarks were intended for the veterans in attendance (and I completely agree with them), they also apply to our school community.

Curtis Burton

Senator Hatch comes to Salem Hills High School on 9/11

Submitted by angela.nederhand on

SALEM, UT – Senator Orrin Hatch came to Salem Hills High School to honor veterans at the 3rd Annual Military Appreciation football game on September 11, 2015.  During his visit he made a special speech to veterans before sharing the football field with them for the 9-11 commemoration. Veterans and their families enjoyed a free meal, plus admission to the football game.

“You are the basis of our country,” he told the veterans of both Spanish Fork and Salem, “You’re the reason why our country is the greatest in the world.”

Angela Nederhand

SHHS Weekly Newsletter 2

Submitted by curtis.burton on

Our school's song begins, "We are the Salem Hills Skyhawks, proud to be Salem Hills Skyhawks! Standing united, we will lift school spirit. Soaring high, we scream our cry for all to hear it." And as I watched the Payson Onion Days Parade this last Monday, I was certainly uplifted by the energy and enthusiasm that our SHHS drill, band, cheer, and student council students brought to that event, in addition to several others of our students who were participants in the parade as well.

Curtis Burton

SHHS Weekly Newsletter 1

Submitted by curtis.burton on

In line with our annual tradition, the student council at Salem Hills High School chose David Correy and Aloe Black's song "The World is Ours" as this year's theme song. In the song a verse reads, "You can stand on my shoulders and raise up your arms; when we all come together we light up the dark." The chorus of the song then emphasizes how  "...the world is ours." It's a great song, and I highly encourage listening to it if you haven't had a chance to hear it yet.

Curtis Burton