New Faculty Spotlight!

Submitted by kacie.johnson on

Max Andrus: SHHS Drafting, Enginerring, Architecture and Career Coordinator

Q. Where were you born?

A.  Olympia, Washington

Q. Were you named after anyone?

A.  My full name is Maxwell Page Andrus.  My first name is from Neal A. Maxwell, and my middle name is a family name from my mother's side of the family.  

Q.  What made you get into teaching?

A.  I want to be a positive influence on the world.

Skyhawk Gorge

Submitted by wade.tischner on

The INFAMOUS Skyhawk Gorge is happening on Monday, November 4th.  This is Salem Hills High School and the Communities effort to help " Make a Wish" for a student we love.  Come by between 5 and 7 PM that night to taste the variety of foods sponsored by each class.  You may purchase individual, or family passes to the Gorge.  There will also be highly entertaining acts throughout the night performing in the auditorium.

Only Sophomores Attend School on Nov 6

Submitted by wade.tischner on

Our sophomores will be taking the PLAN test on November 6th.  This day will also be one of our Minimal Days so the Sophomores will be coming home early.  Because of the space and personnel requirements our Jr's and Sr's will not  attend school.  The busses will run the regular times (for our Minimal Days)  for our Sophomores, lunch will also be served.