Choir Tour

Submitted by kylynn.james on

A Choir Tour three years in the making… Tonight, 106 Salem Hills High School Choir students and another 50 or so of their parents will depart for their first Choir Tour since 2019, to New York City. While there, they will be performing in several different venues, including the historic and prestigious Carnegie Hall. 

They will be presenting a “Bon Voyage” Concert tonight at 6pm in the Auditorium Lobby. Come join us if you can and help send these amazing students on their way to this NYC Adventure!

Region 9 Instrumental Solo & Ensemble Festival

Submitted by kylynn.james on

We had a remarkable showing by Salem Hills Instrumental Music Students tonight at the Region 9 Instrumental Solo & Ensemble Festival.

As part of the curriculum in the Band and Orchestra classes taught at Salem Hills, students learn contest solos, duets, trios and other various combinations to perform in front of adjudicators. This year, Salem Hills had a total of 32 Festival entries, all of which received Excellent ratings or better. 9 of these entries qualified for the UHSAA State Solo & Ensemble Festival!

These State qualifiers include:

FCCLA State Competition

Submitted by kylynn.james on

We congratulate our Skyhawk FCCLA team as they competed at state this week!

Maci Nielsen- Chapter Website-  Bronze 

Bri Cameron Career investigation- Gold

Bailey Black Career investigation- Gold Qualifying for Nationals First Place 

Logenn Marziale Entrepreneurship Silver 

Haven Harris- Gold first place qualifying for nationals 

Chelsea Mower Fashion Construction- Gold first place qualifying for nationals 

Region Theatre Results

Submitted by kylynn.james on

Dram attended Region Theatre yesterday and these are the results.  We entered 24 pieces (43 students in all) and EVERY SINGLE ONE qualified for State Competition!  We were the only school in the Region to achieve this!  These kids put in a lot of work and hours to make it happen.  Thank you for supporting our students and allowing them to be part of what we're doing in the theatre.  Be sure to congratulate them when you see them!

These are the individual awards we brought home:

2nd Place Sweepstakes