XC First Home Meet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
On August 30, the Skyhawk’s Cross Country team hosted their first home meet of the season with Payson, Juab, and Spanish Fork participating. The Cross Country team had a phenomenal showing running their first 5K, with Nathan Peck (time 17:53), Matt Chesnut(17:59), and James Wright(18:31) taking the top three spots in boys. The Salem girl’s team managed to take five of the top six, with only third place being taken by Juab. After the game was finished coach Bart Thompson said,” Our team ran a really good race today.
by Mckay Ash

Go Girls Tennis!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Skyhawk girls tennis team faced Payson’s girls tennis team on Tuesday, Salem being the home team. Salem dominated: Varsity 4-1 and JV 4-1. Salem Hills girl’s varsity team has a few secret weapons explaining such a vast victory on Tuesday. The varsity lineup is Morgan Miller: first seat, Jennica Dutson: second seat, Kenzie Saunders: third seat. And for doubles it is Hannah and Katherine Riley: first seat, and Katie Cook and Mckenna Davis: second seat. Coaches and parents had a lot to brag about. “Morgan’s backhand is unstoppable!” accounted the Assistance Coach Clarke.
by Liz Leach

SHHS Senior Sunrise

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
In the early morning of Wednesday, the first of September, an ultimate bonding experience occurred between this year’s seniors as they all met at the high school in the wee hours of daybreak for the annual Senior Sunrise. An exceptional breakfast of pancakes, bacon and eggs was served by the faculty and student council as they helped add yet another lasting memory to the senior year of the graduating class of 2011. Michael Roberts chipped in “I was so tired but there was a ton of bacon so it made up for it!!” It is more than safe to say that this activity will not go down unappreciated.
by Trevor Williams