Golden Ticket Party

Submitted by wade.tischner on

On Friday, October 30th we will hold our Quarterly Golden Ticket Party, holders of the tickets will be released from their classes at 2:00 to come to the cafeteria for a donut and will be entered into our prize drawings.  Tickets are earned be either having perfect attendance or by derving detention for all unexcused absences and tardies.  Way to go to our Golden Ticket holders.  #SHHSHERO

Costume Guidelines for Halloween

Submitted by wade.tischner on

You are welcome to dress for Halloween on Friday, October 30th.   Costumes need to be within the guidelines of the school dress code, please no masks, weapons or gore.  If you have questions about the appropriateness of a particular costume, please ask a teacher or administrator before you wear it, you may be asked to change if it is not within the guidelines.  Happy Halloween