Spring Track Season is Here!

Submitted by shea.bradshaw on
  • The Salem Hills Track & Field Teams have seen amazing success over the past few seasons, winning back-to-back Region championships for the women's team, and 3-in-a-row for the men's team.  Both teams have finished in the top 5 at State over the past few seasons as well.  However, we graduated a lot of seniors the past two seasons, and we are in need of more help this year--from all sources!  We need runners, jumpers, throwers and hurdlers!  So come join us!  We will be starting our 2017 Track & Field Season on Monday, February 27th

ProStart Region Next Thursday!

Submitted by shea.bradshaw on


​The ProStart team is getting ready for their regional competition next Thursday!  They are​ making a three course meal in under an hour without the use of an oven or microwave. The challenge is to use only two mini burners (kind of like a camping stove). They have come up with a "tropical delight" menu including a shrimp salad appetizer, a halibut entree and a homemade creamy pineapple dessert.


Skyhawk Apparel for Sale!

Submitted by shea.bradshaw on

Students, Parents, Athletes, Siblings, Community Members:

Skyhawk Apparel for sale! Make purchase and orders through the high school finance office. Sale runs to end of school day 
March 3. Select from the attached picture.

Image removed.

FCCLA Region Results

Submitted by shea.bradshaw on

FCCLA region convention was held February 10th at BYU.  Twenty-one (21) SHHS students competed in 17 different STAR (Student Taking Action with Recognition) Events.  Seven projects earned Bronze Medals, Thirteen projects earned Silver Medals, and 1 Project -Kenzie Wilkinson earned a Gold Medal.  Congratulations to all of them.  They are qualified to compete at the state convention on March 28th.  More attached: