Tuesday 5.11 Sophomore Testing Day

Submitted by kylynn.james on

Tuesday 5.11 is Sophomore Testing Day! Room assignments for students have been placed on posters around the school.  Please report to your assigned classroom by 8:00am!

Chromebooks needs to be CHARGED and ready to go!

Personal laptops or chromebooks may NOT be used (if students need a school issued chromebook they can retrieve one from C207)

Students may not bring a cell phone, smart watch or any other device that has internet capabilities.

UCHD Youth Summer Employment

Submitted by kylynn.james on

The Utah County Health Department once again has employment opportunities available for youth between the ages of 16-18 who will not have graduated from High School before the start of the next school year. This employment opportunity pays $9.00 an hours and the hours vary from week to week. Some weeks the youth may work 5 hours, on another week they may work 3 hours. They could at times work up to 10 hours a week. We are seeking youth with a flexible schedule who have a desire to enhance leadership, communication, and teambuilding skills.