Mr. Francom wins the Crystal Apple Award at SHHS!

Submitted by lori.cunningham on
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Mr. Francom hold the Crystal Apple award! 435.61 KB

The Crystal Apple Award is given to one teacher in each school per year. Mr. Francom was recognized by his peers and chosen to receive the award this year at SHHS.  Congratulations to Kyle Francom! We are honored to be able to teach and work alongside you! 

One of Us Award

Submitted by liz.reynolds on
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On Friday, December 15th we had our Pursuing Victory with Honor Assembly. It was a pleasure to recognize our students that have performed well in athletics and the arts. We also had the special pleasure of honoring one of our faculty members. Greg Wilson has been fighting cancer. He has been an incredible example to all of us of what it means to pursue victory with honor. He has been positive and strong through the whole ordeal. He and his beautiful family have been here to support all our students in their various activities. It was a pleasure to honor Mr. Wilson, and to offer some of the money that we raised in our Make-A-Wish Week to help him and his family. We are so proud that he is "One of Us"! 


Submitted by lori.cunningham on
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Congratulations to McKenzie Graham and Decker Lewis, our Athletes of the Week! 


Hope in the Future

Submitted by liz.reynolds on
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I frequently hear people talking about their concerns with "kids these days". I spend a lot of time with the upcoming generation and I have to say that I am exceptionally hopeful! This last week was our Make A Wish Week at Salem Hills High School. Our students and community raised over $17,000 so far to grant Olivia's wish and help other members of our community. Our kids are generous, kind, and good! I watched kids give up their lunch money to make donations. I saw faculty take time to get the kids excited and involved. I saw groups of teenage boys dance their hearts out. I watched our community come together to support the cause. I am so proud to be a part of all of this. I love my job! I love our students! I love our faculty! I love this community! Our future is in good and capable hands.