Submitted by lori.cunningham on
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Ms. Reynolds interviews our Fan and Athletes of the Week!

Congratulations to Zeke Mangum, the fan of the week!


Athletes of the Week

Congratulations to Meagan Welton of the debate team! (not pictured)

Congratulations to Kennedy Leifson of our swim team! 


Winter White Out Dance!

Submitted by lori.cunningham on
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Come dance the night away this Friday after the game at SHHS! Join us for the fun and Don't miss out! 

New Year

Submitted by liz.reynolds on
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We started the new year off with a special activity. Mr. Peery had a challenge for us all this morning during our Positive in the Present time. " I would like each student to pick a word that will change their life this year, narrow their focus, simplify and live with more clarity, purpose, and passion." Each teacher and student put their word on a sticky note and we put them in our hallway. This was an inspiring activity. Students stopped all day to read the words on the wall. This is going to be a great year and this was a great way to start it! What is your word?

Christmas is coming!

Submitted by lori.cunningham on
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We are celebrating at SHHS. The Administration served a lovely Christmas dinner for lunch to our fantastic faculty. Delicious! As you can see the Christmas spirit was there. It's a pleasure to serve such amazing teachers who are so good to our students.