Career Night

Submitted by kylynn.james on
ALC Career Night

Greetings Students and Parents!

Nebo School District, the Advanced Learning Center and UVU are excited to announce several upcoming career nights for students and parents. 

Come join ALC and UVU professors and staff as we 'Explore the possibilities, discover possible careers, promising jobs, and earning potential associated with Architecture and Business.' Monday 11/28 from 6:00-7:00.

All events will be held at the ALC, 161 E 400 N. Salem. Please see the attached flyer for future events. 

I hope to see there!

Bart Peery


Advanced Learning Center

SHHS Sox Crew

Submitted by kylynn.james on
SOX Crew
Sign Up QR Code

Mission & Purpose:

  • SHHS Sox Crew is a school spirit organization with the purpose of promoting spirit, pride, and sportsmanship.
  • Members conduct themselves to bring honor to our school and community. 
  • Ensure players, both home and visiting teams have a positive experience.


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Commitment  of positive sportsmanship 
  • Attend A/D training and admin “tailgate”
  • Grade & Attendance eligibility - good standing
  • Attend Games of multiple sports (not just the “cool” games to go to)
  • Be unified with SHHS Spirit Squad
  • Shut down negative cheers, chants, behaviors, etc



Crew Benefits:

  • Will stand in front rows of stands (Reserved for Crew) 
  • Free Tickets to State Games/Away Games 
  • Will get swag to wear to games



Interested? Want More Info?? 

  • Scan the QR Code & Mr. Gillie will contact you!

Reflections Art Winner

Submitted by kylynn.james on
Reflections Winners

Congratulations to Chris Toro, Emma Wilson, Jacqui Moses and Heather Gibbons for receiving the "Award of Excellence" for their entries in the Reflections art competition sponsored by the PTA.  Their entries now move on to compete with entries from throughout the school district.

Band Fall Showcase

Submitted by kylynn.james on
Band Fall Showcase

Salem Hills High School proudly presents the annual Band Fall Showcase, on Thursday evening, November 17th at 7pm in the auditorium. The concert will feature performances by our state championship Salem Hills Marching Band, Wind Symphony, Varsity Jazz Band, and Junior Varsity Jazz Band. Admission is free--doors open at 6:30pm.

Preference Dance

Submitted by kylynn.james on
Winter in Paris

Preference will be held on December 10th from 8:00-10:00pm in the cafeteria.  Tickets will go on sale soon!

Veteran's Day Assembly

Submitted by kylynn.james on

On Friday, November 11th we will be honoring our veterans with a school-wide assembly.  We encourage all students to wear best dress in honor of those who have served us and our country.

We will be following our morning assembly schedule that day: 

AM Assembly Bell Schedule (50 Minutes)
1st Period 7:50 - 8:50 60 Minutes
2nd Period 8:55 - 9:55 60 Minutes
Assembly 10:00 - 10:50 50 Minutes
3rd Period 10:55 - 11:55 60 Minutes
Lunch 11:55 - 12:25 35 Minutes
4th Period 12:30 - 1:25 55 Minutes
5th Period 1:30 - 2:25 60 Minutes