Salem Hills FCCLA Sponsors Mr. Skyhawk Contest

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Twelve contestants have entered the annual Mr. Skyhawk Contest to be held Saturday, March 11th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Salem Hills High School Auditorium. Each contestant will model beach attire, evening wear, and perform a talent. Contestants will also participate in week day competitions that include posters, “kiss-a king,” sexy legs, limbo, and a king cake auction. The public is invited to experience an entertaining evening as the men show their Skyhawk spirit in hopes of being crowned Mr. Skyhawk 2010. Admission Cost $5.00. Contestants include: Jason Anderson, Brandon Barlow, Billy Fairbanks, Tyler Gebert, McKayd Gordon, Phil Lundell, Gavin McKee, Sam Metz, Steven Russell, Chris Sanchez, Tanner Snow, Phillip Sorensen

Crash Landing

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The first round off the 4a playoffs was last night at Salem Hills High School, The confident Skyhawks of Salem faced off against the Rams of Highland High. It was a highly anticipated game, and forced the Salem Hills Skyhawks to take a crash landing after a 59-53 loss. The game started off well for the Skyhawks when they got the tip and went on a 5-0 run in the first 2 minutes. However the Rams came back and took the lead from the Skyhawks 10-9. It was a good game; both teams continued to go basket for basket most of the game. The Skyhawks however, were having a lot of difficulty landing shots and getting open. They missed many shots that we normally see them make, not to mention the lack of rebounding. The Rams completely dominated the paint, and the team that controls the paint is the team that controls the game. The final score was 59-53, the Rams on top and leaving Skyhawk arena abnormally quiet, the usual ring of “We Are Skyhawks” was absent from the arena as the Salem Hills players and fans went home--hopes dashed. The Skyhawks overall season record was 11 wins and 11 loses, but they went 7and 3 in region. They Skyhawks may have lost that playoff game but let us not forget the Skyhawks have back to back region championships and no one can take that from them. Congratulations to the Salem Hills Skyhawks on another great season.   
Article and Photo by Jordan Geyerman

FCCLA Convention Competition

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Seventeen students competed at the recent Region FCCLA Convention. Each student presented a project of their choice either in a group or by themselves. Projects included fashion construction, chapter service, chapter showcase, interpersonal communication, career planning and investigation, and culinary arts. Each student received either a bronze, silver or gold medal according to scores received on their presentations. Nine students will move onto the state competition to be held March 24th and 25th. FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) is the only National Career and Technical Student Organization with the family as its central focus. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. 

SHHS student/intern Tesia Balls

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Tesia Balls is a senior  at Salem Hills High School who is an intern at Mountain Air Assisted Living in Payson. She helps with the CNA duties and with culinary arts for two and a half hours every other day. Her favorite part is helping people there.  The people are very funny. “They say random things” she says. Her least favorite part is washing dishes, which there seem to be plenty of, she says. There isn’t much more to do in the culinary arts section. She is not a registered CNA but she plans on taking the class soon and wants to become one.  When she’s at home, she likes to read, cook, sew, take pictures, and hang out with her friends. She says she wants to go to college at UVU or Utah State and become a photographer. Her favorite class is photography and her least favorite class is Medical Anatomy. 
by Cassie Lewter, Kylee Lusk, and Mckell Flick

Tears of a Lion

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  The Region 8 championship basketball game was held Wednesday, February 24 at Salem Hills High School, the Payson Lions played Salem Hills High School, in the end the Skyhawks were flying high as a kite, the ending score was Payson 43, Salem 45.             The game started off well for the Skyhawks when they got the tip, the Skyhawks then took the lead for the 1st and 2nd quarter. The Skyhawks played hard all game, London Simmonsen in particular. He shot a lot of mid-range jump shots landing most of them.             The game began to get intense in the 3rd quarter when the Skyhawks lost the lead, it then went basket for basket for the 3rd and 4th quarter. The Lions then pulled ahead of the Skyhawks to take a 3 point lead. But the Skyhawks would not be denied as they made a come back, Jake Skinner making a free throw to assure the Skyhawks victory. When asked how it feels to be a region champ, Skyhawks center Jordan Robles said, “Amazing! Best feeling in the world.” After the game Coach Jimmy DeGraffenried was asked if he felt his team deserved it.               “Yes they do, they have worked hard in practice all year, and have prepared for this game. They knew it was going to be a battle and they came out fighting.”               The Skyhawks did an excellent job congratulations to the Skyhawks on there 2nd region championship in a row.    
Article and photo by Jordan Geyerman

Phillip Sorensen brings State wrestling title home to Salem Hills

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Salem Hills High School Wrestling took an amazing seventh in state. Two wrestlers from Salem Hills made it on to the finals, Spencer Davis a sophomore wrestling at a weight of 103 lbs. and Phillip Sorensen a senior wrestling at a weight of 189 lbs. Davis wrestling an amazing match, fought his best but came out with and unfortunate loss. Davis still placed a well earned and well respected second in state. He plans to come back next year even better and ready to win state.  Phillip Sorensen took an extremely impressive first place in state! He is the man! He is the hero at Salem Hills being the first wrestler from Salem to ever win the State championship.  “Taking state was the single greatest moment of my life. Everything that came with it was worth all the crappy practices,” Says Phillip Sorensen.              Sorensen has very much going for him. Keep your eye out for Phillip in the future of wrestling. Way to go Phillip Sorensen!! The rest of the Salem’s Wrestling team will be back next year ready to make some amazing accomplishments for Salem Hills High School. Go Fight Win Skyhawks!!
by Zach Rugg

Skyhawks Embarrass the Golden Eagles

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After the game on 2/16/10 the Golden Eagles were shot down and possibly bleeding. The game Tuesday night ended in a 62-34 blowout, Salem Hills flying away as the victor.             “They are a young team but if we play sloppy we will lose,” said Salem Head Coach Jimmy DeGraffenried.             But the Skyhawks did not play sloppy; they played tough defense and high pace explosive offense. The Golden Eagles kept the score within 6 points of each other for the 1st and second quarter. However the Salem Hills Skyhawks pulled ahead in the 3rd quarter. The Skyhawks also went on a 21-4 run in the 4th quarter leaving the Golden Eagles, crying in the dust.             Joseph Mormon did particularly well scoring 18 points and embarrassing the defense on their home court. Also Jake Skinner scored 14 points and had 3 rebounds.  
Photo and article by Jordan Geyerman

SHHS wrestlers going to State Tournament

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  Wrestlers (left to right) McKayd Gordon, Phillip Sorensen, Chase Wilson, Derek Mangelson, Spencer Davis              These Manly wrestlers grappled their way to victory. But for these few the season is not over yet, they must compete in state. These wrestlers are not newbies to state wrestling tournaments, They have all been to state and have extreme success. There is much expected of these young men. But Salem Hills wrestling team and their head coach T.J. Brindley believes in them strongly. These Salem Hills Wrestlers will go to state with confidence or as the Skyhawks from Salem Hills would say, they are going with SPIRIT, HEART, HONOR, AND SUCCESS.     Go fight win Skyhawks.  
By Zach Rugg

Bitter Rivalry ends in Salem Victory

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                The game between Payson and Salem is always excitedly anticipated by parents and students alike; this game ended with the Skyhawks flying high, and the Lions crawling back to their lonely den.               The game stayed very close, the two teams stayed within 4 points of each other. Until the 3rd quarter when the Skyhawks pulled ahead by 13 points making the score 43- 30. The 4th quarter started to look better for the Lions when they shortened the Skyhawks lead to 45-40.               In the 4th quarter Salem Hills student Brendan Thayne was asked about the game he said, “We can win this game, we are a lot better than them.”               The 4th quarter was filled with fouls, the Payson Lions had 7 fouls and the Skyhawks of Salem Hills had 5.               The outcome of the game could have ended in a Payson victory; however, the lions had 3 of their 7 fouls in the last minute of the game. This gave the Skyhawks a chance to change the score from Payson 46 Salem 48, to Payson 46 Salem 51.               This may have been a low scoring game but it was intense to the end and was a rip roaring, high flying, cold clocking game of Basket Ball.
By Jordan Geyerman

SHHS Spirit Bowl

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With the start of the new basketball season the drill team put on a pep assembly to get everyone pumped. The different classes and faculty competed in events differing from chubby bunny to duck taping someone to the wall. The band played loudly as the students cheered and got excited. Our Skyhawk mascot was there to get everyone in their best school spirit. Every event was judged and the winning team received points. The events kicked off with different people getting duck taped to the wall, followed by skateboarding with plungers across the gym. With whipped cream faces other team members threw Cheetos to their faces where they would stick. Sitting on top of a ladder they would drop scoops of ice cream into cones which were in the other team member’s mouth on the ground. Mr. Bohling’s attempt at fitting marshmallows in his mouth for chubby bunny was a hit. Puke was almost all over the gym when Coach Renae Clarke had to drink a nasty concoction with ingredients from sardines to chocolate milk. At the end of the events the score was tied; seniors and faculty. Mrs. Auger and Travis Hendersen had a dance off to determine the winner. The crowd cheered loudly and the senior’s were crowned the winners of the Spirit Bowl. Our Skyhawk spirit was unleashed as we left the gym dancing and singing our school song.
By: Celsie Long and Cosette Stone