SHHS band plays at Funeral

Submitted by wade.tischner on
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Friday, our band played at the funeral for one of our students' mothers.

First Day of School Information

Submitted by wade.tischner on

All Students:
The following is general information for all students as they are preparing for the first day of school, which is Tuesday, August 21st. Students will begin their day in the auditorium for the Class Change Event, starting at 7:55 am. in the Auxilary Gym and ending at 9:10.   After the Class Change Event students will go to the Auditorium for the Hello Assembly. Students will attend all eight classes that first day of a school. August 22nd is an A day.

All teachers, administration, counselors and coaches will be involved in meetings and training in the mornings (8:00-1:00) on August 16th and 17th (Thursday and Friday). Therefore, students and parents will not have access to the counselors, administration or teachers at those times on those days.  They will be available in the afternoons.

Registration Information

Submitted by wade.tischner on

Registration letters have been mailed and an email has also been sent with all needed information to register your student at Salem Hills High School.

In order to recieve class schedules all required fees need to be paid.  The quickest way to do this is ONLINE, here are the instructions:  

1. go to ''  and log on

2. Select 'register' with 'myschoolfees' as a user name.  Select your student's school and enter thier student ID #. 

3.  When you return to '' you will use your email address and your password to re-enter the site.

4.  Select the fees you would like to pay and continue to check out.

Once you have paid online, you will recieve back in the mail your class schedule, locker # with combination, and a temporary I.D. card


You may also mail the registration form along with your payment to the school.  Please complete this by August 8th.


Brett White - New Administrator

Submitted by wade.tischner on

Salem Hills High School welcomes Brett White!


Brett will be one of the new Assistant Principals this next year, the other one is writing this artical and will stay anonymous for as long as possible.

Things you might want to know about Brett:

  • He has taught for 18 years in the Cornerstone program
  • Has spent the last 12 years at Payson High School: 8 years as a Cornerstone teacher and 4 years as an assistant principal.
  • He loves watching and playing sports
  • Usually cheers for the underdog
  • Has a new favorite color: Carolina Blue
  • Favorite Animal is the Polar Bear

Welcome To Salem Hills High School Mr. White

Athletes of the Month

Submitted by jordan.daley on
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Taylor Thorpe

Taylor is a very hard working individual. He started as a 9th grader and had to overcome a lot of adversity during his first year at the high school level. Instead of letting the adversity get him down, he was determined to work harder and improve his techniques. Taylor commitment to self improvement has paid off, Coach Brindley says “Taylor is a leader and a captain on the SHHS Wrestling Team and is one of the best 152 pounders Wrestlers in the state”. Congrats to Taylor and good luck on the rest of of the season.

Hailey Ingram

Hailey is a tremendous student athlete. She displays good sportsmanship, she is very kind, and she is a great student. Coach Shepard said, “I’m pretty sure she is a 4.0 student she works really hard! I love Hailey! Hailey is your perfect student to have. She succeeds in the class room and on the floor”.  HaiIey said, “I’ve worked on being a leader, I know that is what our team needs in order to excel during our season and more importantly in the state tournament.  I always try to keep my teams heads up and help them when needed”. Way to go Hailey! And congratulations to you and the Lady Skyhawks on an outstanding (11-1) season thus far. 

Emily Frazier, Rachel Fabis

Athletes of the Month - October

Submitted by jordan.daley on

by: Trevor Newell            

Sierra Malm has been selected as the Athlete of the Month for November.  She is in cross country, and she loves the feeling of accomplishment.  Sierra’s personal record for the 5k (3.1 miles) is 18.40 minutes.  She placed 12th in state out of 150 runners.  She was the only girl at Salem Hills to go to state, and she was the best female runner out of the 150 runners. Her coach, Mr. Thompson, says, “She is the only girl that made it to state.  She is a great runner, a very hard worker, and she deserves all the success she’s had this season.  Everyone loves her, and she always runs well in the big races.”  Sierra is hoping to go to college at BYU or SUU. Congratulations and best of luck to sierra in the future.  

by: Emily Frazier 

Kyle Sacco has achieved athlete of the month for boy’s golf. Kyle has worked hard all year, finally getting the low round of the year for the team.  He got a 78 at Soldier Hollow golf course. Kyle also had the low average in the tournament for the year. Kyle explained that as the year went on he got a lot better and his scores got better also. Kyle’s quote that keeps him motivated and going is, “hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.” Mr. Fillmore commented, “Kyle was fun to work with. He was fearless on the golf course. Sometimes he paid for the risks he took, but that was what made him fun and interesting to watch!” Kyle likes going and doing stuff with the team and says that, "It was an honor to be able to play with them". Kyle isn’t only interested in golf, but he loves all sports and anything that keeps him active. He wants to go to college after high school and hopes to be successful in whatever he does. Kyle is a great golfer and a hard worker. Congratulations! 

Trevor Newell and Emily Frazier

Athletes of the Month - September

Submitted by jordan.daley on

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”-McKenzie Treanor

This month Salem Hills High School honors McKenzie Treanor for her achievements in volleyball and academics. This year, Mckenzie is averaging 27 kills (a hard driven hit to the opposing side of the court scoring one point) and 4 aces (a point scored from serving) a game, while maintaining the required GPA to participate in extra curricular activities, she has truly become a force to be reckoned with on and off the court. She aims to use these talents and her appetite for success to take her to an out of state college and to someday launch her into professional volleyball. Coach Treanor says, “I just love her! She is such a great athlete, but beyond that she is such a great person; a very dedicated student and athlete and an absolute joy to be around.” McKenzie enjoys many things about this noble sport: punishing her opponents with a barrage of high-velocity volleyballs to the face or chest, doing the team’s celebratory dance “The Burnie”, and enjoying countless hilarious moments with her teammates. In addition to volleyball, there is much more to this warrior of a woman. Outside of school and sports she enjoys church activities, spending time with her family and friends, and occasionally eating a good snack! Her peers describe her as very driven, a great leader, and super fun. Well done McKenzie, and congratulations on being Septembers athlete of the month.


Sione Wolfgram has been selected as athlete of month for his dominant success in football. Head Coach Monte Morgan said, "He is really helping move our team along. On the field he is our running back and linebacker and averages 110 yards a game, 15 carries/game, and about 9 yards per carry." Coach Morgan also noted, “Sione is a great athlete and a great student; he is very hardworking and is always wanting to get better. He also has great Skyhawk spirit.” As a captain and a senior on this years football team, Sione is striving to uplift the skyhawks to make it to this years state playoffs by demonstrating hard work and the will to succeed.  Sione stated, “The will to win is nothing compared to the will to prepare. In order to succeed, it is essential to give 110% in practices, just as you would in a game."  In his spare time he enjoys fishing. He has even caught a 170 lb marlin off the cost of Guantanamo Bay. The fish took 5 fishing poles and 2 boats to hook. Sione is much like the fish; it usually takes about 5 guys to take him down in a football game. congratulations to Sione on being Septembers athlete of the month.

by Isaac Hammond and Kayla Palmer

Athletes of the Month - August

Submitted by chris.andrews on

Congratulations to Melissa Brimhall and Brandon Edmondson for being selected as the Athletes of the Month.

Melissa Brimhall is a junior here at Salem Hills High School.  She is on the girls’ soccer team and loves being on the team. She mostly enjoys the great friendships that she has made on the team and being able to spend time with them on and off the field. Melissa is most notable for her tenacious defense. Coach Gillie said, “Melissa is a great leader on defense.  She works hard, is very aggressive, and she doesn’t let anything get her down.  Also, she is very positive and a great player for the team.” Melissa would likes to play like a flying squirrel by gliding in between her opponents. Congratulations to Melissa Brimhall on being the August Farmers Insurance Player of the Month.

Brandon Edmondson, a senior at Salem Hills High School was named the Cross Country Student/Athlete of the month for August. Cross Country is a long distance running sport where a typical race is three miles long and varies in difficulty.  Coach Bart Thompson said, “Brandon Edmondson has a great vision. He believes in his team with his whole heart and knows they can do anything.”  Brandon is a hard worker; he lifts weights at six a.m. and often runs practice when necessary. He is focused and has his sights set on nothing but the best for himself as well as his team mates. Coach Bart Thompson also stated, “Brandon is a great asset to the team and he greatly deserves this recognition.” Congratulations Brandon Edmondson for being the Athlete of the Month. Best of luck to you and your team this season.