Administration's Message

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Think back to when you were a little kid (around 5-7 years old). What were you afraid of? Monsters under the bed, the dark, Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street (he freaked me out!)? It could be any number of things that might seem silly now that we’re older, and supposedly wiser.

The sad thing is that the monsters and darkness come at us in different forms as we move through different stages of life. For me it’s speaking in public, eating vegetables, driving with my daughter, and I guess the FEAR of failure in general.

Babe Ruth said: “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.”


I love to read about historical events. My favorite is military history. It always amazes me how certain men or women rise to the challenge regardless of the odds. I’m sure they are fearful, but they are more concerned with their cause or the lives of those they are leading to allow fear to rule them.

One of my all time beloved military leaders is Julius Caesar. Around 52 B.C. Caesar was in a major battle with some Gallic Tribes in France. Caesar had roughly 60,000 men under his command, while the Gaul’s were numbered at over 350,000 plus. That’s crazy, right? Caesar and his men were fearful of the numbers against them, but they didn’t fear death. They were afraid of defeat and the death of their brothers in arms. Caesar and his men laid siege to the walled city of Alesia. When Caesar heard that a relief force of Gaul’s were coming to attack him from behind, he didn’t retreat, he built walls on both sides of his forces. So, now he had the enemy walled up in front and in back of his much smaller force. The Gallic tribes thought they had the Great Julius Caesar trapped and defeated. No WAY! Caesar did the unimaginable. He attacked! It caught the enemy completely off guard and Caesar won a miraculous victory!


Julius Caesar said: “As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can.

I have many fears as I’m sure all of you do. Let’s make a pact that we will not allow fear to rule our lives. Let’s take chances. Take that AP class, join a club, and talk to that girl or boy you think is cute, or maybe that you think needs a friend or a nice compliment. Yes, it is scary out there, but together as SKYHAWKS we can overcome and succeed.

                Remember: Spirit, Heart, Honor, Success                                                           -Brett White 


Brett White

Drama Department Presents!!!

Submitted by wade.tischner on

You Can't Take It With You


This is a great Comedy for the entire family.

Starts Thursday, February 21 at 7:00pm and runs Friday, Saturday and Monday.  Students, if you would like to work off some detention, come see the play, fill out a provided paper and it can count for detention time as well.  Can't beat that!

Four SHHS Sterling Scholar Participants Move on

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Congratulaions to 4 of our students who are competing in the Sterling Scholar Competition:

Megan Brockbank  -  English

Cortney Crook  -  Family and Consumer Science

Maryn Turley  -  Social Sciences

Collin Preece  -  Speech and Drama

They have made it as finalists at the State level!

Two SHHS Students Receive NCWIT Honors

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Last November, Meghan Taylor and Sierra Davis applied for the 2012 Utah National Center for Women’s Information and Technology (NCWIT) Award. Recently, Meghan and Sierra received the word that they had been selected as state winners. There were many applicants state-wide, and only 10 applicants were awarded.

The NCWIT is an organization that works towards strengthening and enriching young women’s involvement in computing and technology. The award is intended to recognize young women who show extraordinary skills and potential in the field.

Sierra is only a junior at Salem Hills. She was selected because of her work with digital photography. After graduation, Sierra plans on attending BYU to continue to develop her skills in the technological field.

Meghan is a senior, and the school’s Sterling Scholar in Business and Marketing. Meghan plans on attending Weber State, and hopes to eventually open her own veterinary practice.

Sierra and Meghan will be honored at a ceremony on March 23rd, atthe University of Utah. 


Ryan Palmer

SHHS Parent Teacher Conference

Submitted by wade.tischner on

Salem Hills High School will be holding their parent/teacher conferences on:

Wednesday, February 13th, 3:30 - 7:30

There will also be Assistance for all Senior students for filling out the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the SHHS Library from 3:00-6:00.

There will also be an informational meeting about Scholarships for College held in the SHHS Auditorium from 6:00-7:00.  This is for all students and their parents grades 9-12.  Topics to be covered include The Regents Scholarship, FAFSA, and AP/Concurrent Enrollment Classes.

Sponsered by the SHHS Counseling department.

Some of Our Terrific Skyhawks

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Skyhawks of the Month

Congratulations to our Skyhawks of the month for December! Each of these students are great examples of success in and out of the classroom.

Juan Baeza
Austin Brown
Karena Huffaker
Chelsey Sudweeks
Tanner Thorpe
Jaisha Wallentine




Fall Sports Academic All-State

Coupled with their athletic success, the following students have worked incredibly hard and balanced busy schedules to receive Academic All-State honors. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement.

Tyler Moore - Football
Connor Deichman - Football
Ryan Christensen - Football
Maryn Turley - Volleyball
Cortney Crook - Girls Soccer
Kaycee Jacklin - Girls Soccer
Cortney Crook - Girls Cross Country
Christine Vanausdal - Girls Cross Country






Pursuing Victory with Honor – Fall Sports

The Pursuing Victory with Honor Award is reserved for those students who are examples both on and off the field of play.

Zach Lundell - Football
Weston Ware - Golf
Tyler Christensen - Band
Alyssa Moyer - Girls Cross Country
Spencer Berrett - Boys Cross Country
Sierra Powell - Girls Tennis
Haley Anderson - Girls Soccer
Danielle Clark - Volleyball


Ryan Palmer

Getting to Know our Sterling Scholars

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Sterling Scholar Honors

            The Sterling Scholar program is meant to high light the achievement of high school seniors throughout the state. Students who are recognized as Sterling Scholars show a tremendous amount of dedication and effort in their academic studies. Along with the recognition for their work, Sterling Scholars have the opportunity to earn scholarships and tuition waivers from participating institutions. Because it is such a high honor, we would like to introduce each of our school’s representatives for the Sterling Scholar award.


     Tyler Moore – Mathematics

            Being from Idaho, where there is no Sterling Scholar program, Tyler didn’t know much about the award until he moved to Utah. However, Tyler had made mathematics a priority in his academic career as he feels it is the key to tomorrow’s success. Becoming a Sterling Scholar was simply a side effect of his thirst for mathematical knowledge, and he points to AP Calculus in helping him develop that thirst. Tyler plans on eventually becoming a neurosurgeon or a cardiologist.


   Megan Brockbank – English

            For Megan, becoming a Sterling Scholar is a representation of the great value she has taken in her education. It is a vehicle to showcase all the academic successes she has been able to achieve. To Megan, representing the school as the Sterling Scholar for English is ultimately a representation of the rewards of hard work and dedication. Despite the intimidating nature of the word “future,” Megan hopes to further her education and one day become a pediatrician, or perhaps a medical researcher. Whatever happens, if she able to use her knowledge to benefit others, Megan will be happy.

    Carissa Moser – Dance

            As Carissa learned more about the Sterling Scholar program and the winners of the award from previous years, she decided to make it a goal to achieve the high honor. Carissa says setting that goal early on really helped to motivate her through challenging courses, as well as courses she may not have been as passionate about. Carissa hopes to make dance a huge part of her future. Beyond the next level of her education, she plans on making dance to center of her career in some way, either by choreography or dance photography.


Maryn Turley – Social Science

            Though the classes she has taken have been challenging, Maryn has appreciated the many lessons she has learned from those classes beyond just the academic. She attributes taking difficult classes to helping her perform at a high level despite the demands. Maryn is very involved in the Social Sciences and though the Sterling Scholar program would be a good way to help her become more successful. After graduation, she plans to attend BYU and major in psychology. From there, she hopes to obtain and Master’s Degree, and eventually a Ph.D. in clinical psychology.


   Aubrie Turner – Computer Technology

            Aubrie loves computers and she sees the Sterling Scholar program as a way to learn and develop skills in ways she otherwise wouldn’t be able to. After graduation, Aubrie plans on continuing her educational pursuits at the next level in college. Ultimately, she wants to have a family and a good, stable career doing something she loves. She is really looking forward to using the skills and techniques she has learned in high school in the real world.


   Meghan Taylor – Business and Marketing

            Meghan’s path to Sterling Scholar has led her through a variety of AP classes. Though difficult, Meghan says that the AP classes were worth it because they taught her to do her work well and on time, and that hard work can be fun and worth the effort. Meghan had always taken her education seriously, so when the opportunity for Sterling Scholar arose, she felt the extra effort would be worth the benefits that come along with the program. Eventually Meghan would like to become a veterinarian and own her own practice.


Danny Jimenez – Science

Danny really began to develop his love and appreciation for Science and its real world usages while taking AP Biology. He saw the Sterling Scholar Program as a way to set himself apart and open doors to further his education. Danny plans on furthering his education and majoring in biology before entering medical school. Eventually, Danny would like to become an orthopedic surgeon.


    Cristina Knapp – Foreign Language

            Cristina has always loved and been fascinated by foreign languages. Since the time she entered high school, her goal has been to become a the foreign language Sterling Scholar. What better way to achieve academic success than to combine it with something you love? After graduation, Cristina plans on attending BYU and major in Spanish translation and minor in either another foreign language, or music.


Cortney Crook – Family and Consumer Science

            Cortney didn’t much about the Sterling Scholar program until recently. However, once she decided to try and reach that goal, she realized how much work being a “Scholar” actually entails. Luckily, the classes she has taken helped prepare her for the work load, especially U.S. History where she described the work load as “five times ridiculous.” Upon graduation, Cortney plans to attend Utah State University and major is dietetics.


Collin Preece – Speech and Drama

            Collin’s favorite class right now is debate because it gives him a chance to argue without getting in trouble. For Collin, becoming a Sterling Scholar meant representing his school on a higher level, something he looks forward to. It was also a great opportunity for him to reach his potential and to grow as a person. Collin hopes to use his oral skills to one day become a politician so that he will be able to make a difference in the future of the nation.


Garrett May – Skilled and Technical Education

            Garrett feels that you don’t have to be the smartest person in order to achieve academic success, but you have to be dedicated and put in a lot of hard work. That has shown in his drive to become a Sterling Scholar, representing his school as one of the top of his class. Garrett eventually wants to work in Industrial Design to help develop or redevelop technology to better fit the industry.


    Kylie Anderson – Music

            Kylie loves music, and those that know her know that her life outside of school basically revolves around music. For that reason, she was excited to find a way in which she could incorporate her outside love of music with her education. Being able to represent her school through music was an opportunity she didn’t feel she could pass up. In the future, Kylie wants to get a degree in music therapy and help people through music.

Blaine McMurray – Visual Arts

            Blaine has worked hard to become the Sterling Scholar for visual arts. He has always had a love for the arts and is excited to represent the school in a field he is enthusiastic about. In the future, Blaine plans to use art in any way he can to earn a living.




Ryan Palmer


Submitted by wade.tischner on
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Wintertide: A Holiday Musical Celebration will feature all five Salem Hills Choirs, both Orchestras, Concert Band, and Dance Company--nearly 300 students in all!  It will be on Wednesday, December 12th at 7pm in the SHHS Auditorium and there will be a small reception in the auxiliary gym following the concert.  Tickets are now on sale in the finance office, $8/Adults, $5/Students & Seniors, $25/Family Pass (good for up to 5 people with additional family $3/each).


SHHS Sterling Scholars Announced

Submitted by wade.tischner on

Congratulations to:

Tyler Moore – Math

Megan Brockbank – English

Maryn Turley – Social Science

Danny Jimenez – Science

Cristina Knapp – Foreign Language

Aubrie Turner – Computer Technology

Garrett May – Skilled and Technical Education

Cortney Crook – Family and Consumer Sciences

Meghan Taylor – Business and Marketing

Collin Preece – Speech and Drama

Blaine McMurray – Visual Arts

Kylie Anderson – Music

Carissa Moser - Dance